Several places in Denmark the children do no longer learn how to swim in water. They are told to do swiming exercises on land.
Also a number of smaller schools have been closed and a higher number of students are put in every class.
Everybody did suffer. All but the boarding schools known in Danish as "Efterskoler". They have a large lobbyist organization called the "Efterskoleforeningen".
First and foremost they hunt down every negative article online or in newspapers trying to do damage control. Even on foreign versions of Wikipedia they are active. People can judge for themselves by looking at the history of continuation schools and the marketing article the association created on Wikipedia trying to distance themselves from other kind of boarding schools regardless of the fact that they offer what most boarding schools market: Small classes and special subjects.
In the end they managed to be spared in the cuts putting a burden on the public school system in Denmark, which lose a huge amount everytime a stuent choose these "Efterskoler" instead of the normal public schools.
In a country many Americans find under influence of socialism it is a rare exception.
In the school year 2010 - 2011 news about a number dangerous situations at sea reached the newspapers. Also a number of cases involving lack of supervision and violence among the students were published.
Still the schools try to supress the truth and selling a product to the families which can be dangerous to the individual student.
We will monitor the present vandalism of Wikipedia and follow their other movements.