And by nature this urge is limited for most fathers’ biological offspring, which is a good thing.
However the role of a father in a foster family can be too much for some men and in Sweden such a man had a lot of children in foster care before his wife became tired of him running around a touch the breasts of the teenage girls the parents had in foster care. She pressed charges against him.
We might ask: Why wasn't it discovered before? The answer is simple. Children in need are in many cultures thought of as troubled youth. You tend not to believe them like the Danish social worker Gitte Blume didn't trust 3 girls when they explained about alleged sexual abuse. It took years before the foster parent was brought to justice.
Fosterpappa åtalas för övergrepp (AftonBladet)
Skælskør: Tilsynet overså rædselshus (Ekstra-Bladet)